21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs

As the waves lap gently on the shore and the sun casts its golden glow, isn’t it perfect to have nails that echo the spirit of the beach? Whether you’re planning a vacation or just want to add a splash of summer to your look, cute beach nails offer a fantastic way to express your style. But what makes a beach nail design both adorable and practical? Let’s explore some stunning ideas that can make your hands the highlight of your summer ensemble.

Soft Pink Elegance

These nails exude a gentle charm with their soft pink base and delicate floral designs. The look is completed with subtle gold accents, making it ideal for a beach wedding or a relaxed seaside stroll. As a professional manicurist, I appreciate the meticulous acrylic application, ensuring durability while maintaining an airy feel perfect for any beach outing.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @rainhadoalongamento
  • Materials Used:
    • Base Polish: Kai Nude Pink
    • Floral Decals
    • Gold Flake Topcoat
    • UV Sealant for longevity

Each of these products contributes to the nail’s aesthetic while ensuring that your manicure withstands the sandy shores and salty air.

DIY Tips for Beach-Ready Nails

To recreate this look at home, start with a high-quality nude pink polish as your base. Apply thin floral decals on your accent nails before sealing them with a gold flake topcoat for that extra sparkle. Finish with a UV sealant to protect your nails from sun damage and water.

Pastel Perfection

This design is a playful blend of pastel shades with a dotted finish, creating a vibe that’s as fun as a day at the beach. The simple short style makes it practical for various activities, from building sandcastles to enjoying a beach volleyball game.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @gandziuchaa
  • Materials Used:
    • Pastel Orange, Pink, and Blue Polishes
    • Dotting Tool
    • Matte Finish Topcoat

These components are essential for achieving the matte and minimalist look while keeping the nails looking fresh and vibrant.

Crafting Your Pastel Look

Begin with a light pastel base. Use a dotting tool to gently apply contrasting dots in a randomized pattern, then seal the design with a matte topcoat to keep everything in place as you enjoy your beach adventures.

Sunset Glow

Inspired by the breathtaking sunsets at the beach, these nails use an orange and teal color shift that mimics the evening sky. The acrylic almond shape not only adds an element of sophistication but also provides a durable canvas for the vibrant hues.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @nailsxanalysse
  • Materials Used:
    • Orange and Teal Gradient Polish
    • Almond-shaped Acrylics
    • High-Gloss Topcoat

This design demands attention and is perfect for those Instagram sunset shots by the beach.

How to Achieve the Sunset Effect

Apply a smooth gradient of orange and teal on your acrylics. The key is to blend the colors seamlessly. Finish with a high-gloss topcoat to enhance the colors’ depth and ensure your nails are as durable as they are stunning.

Galactic Mermaid

This enchanting nail design features a mesmerizing blend of pastel tones reminiscent of mermaid tails and galactic wonders. The long, almond shape enhances the ethereal feel, perfect for those seeking a magical touch to their beach look.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @donatam_nails
  • Materials Used:
    • Pastel Pink, Purple, Blue, and Green Polishes
    • Iridescent Glitter
    • Long Almond Acrylics
    • High-Gloss Sealant

Each element brings a piece of the ocean’s mystique to your fingertips, making this design both a statement and a staple for beachgoers.

How to Create This Mystical Look

Apply a gradient of the pastel colors, blending smoothly to mimic the seamless transition found in deep sea vistas. Sprinkle some iridescent glitter to catch the light beautifully. Seal with a high-gloss topcoat to ensure the longevity of your underwater fantasy.


Serene Skyline

The soft transition from a cloudy gray to a serene teal in this design captures the peaceful essence of a beach dawn. The added subtle star-like dots represent the early morning stars fading in the daylight. This short and simple design is ideal for an understated yet elegant beach look.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @anetaujwary
  • Materials Used:
    • Gray and Teal Gradient Polish
    • Dotting Tool
    • Matte Finish Topcoat

The choice of a matte finish adds a contemporary edge to this otherwise timeless design.

Crafting the Calm

Start with a smooth base of gray polish, gently transitioning to teal at the tips. Use a dotting tool to apply small white dots to represent stars. A matte topcoat will finalize the look, offering both protection and style as you embrace the calm of the beach mornings.

Tropical Sunrise

This nail design uses vibrant colors to depict a tropical sunrise. The innovative use of color blocking with shades of yellow, teal, and pink captures the vividness of a beach sunrise. This design is perfect for those who love to start their day with a burst of energy and color.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @lovely.nails.ekb
  • Materials Used:
    • Yellow, Teal, and Pink Polishes
    • Square Acrylic Tips
    • UV Protective Topcoat

Each color is chosen to reflect the warmth and brightness of early morning, offering a cheerful addition to your beach attire.

How to Emulate the Sunrise

Begin with a clean base coat. Apply each color in blocks on different nails, using tape to achieve sharp lines if necessary. Seal with a UV protective topcoat to ensure the vibrancy lasts throughout your sun-filled day.

Whimsical Waves

This design showcases playful pink waves coupled with a strikingly detailed fish, creating a narrative on each nail. This acrylic almond shape serves as a perfect canvas for intricate artistry, ideal for those who love storytelling through their style.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @andree.nailinstructor
  • Materials Used:
    • Soft Pink and Blue Polishes
    • Black Detailing Pen
    • Clear Acrylic Base
    • High-Gloss Topcoat

These materials blend to create a durable yet delicate look, with each stroke of the brush adding depth and character to the whimsical theme.

Crafting This Aquatic Tale

Start with a clear acrylic base, layering soft pink as the background. Paint your waves and fish details in blue, using a fine detailing pen for precision. A high-gloss topcoat will seal your design, ensuring it withstands the ocean breeze.

Pastel Swirls

This nail set features soft pastel swirls that evoke the gentle motion of ocean currents. The use of glitter adds a touch of sparkle, reminiscent of sunlight dancing on the water’s surface. This design is perfect for anyone who appreciates elegance with a twist.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @kamiimanii
  • Materials Used:
    • Pastel Pink and White Polishes
    • Silver Glitter
    • Swirl Stencils
    • Gel Topcoat

The combination of gel and glitter not only enhances the design’s beauty but also its longevity, making it a practical choice for long beach days.

How to Swirl Like the Sea

Apply a base of pastel pink, then use swirl stencils to layer white polish in elegant curves. Sprinkle silver glitter over the wet polish for a shimmering effect. Seal everything with a gel topcoat for a smooth, lasting finish.

Funky Fresh

Embrace the vibrant energy of the beach with this bold, funky design featuring a mix of neon colors, patterns, and textures. From polka dots to stripes and sparkles, this look is all about having fun and standing out from the crowd.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @ciellycolaconails
  • Materials Used:
    • Neon Yellow, Pink, and Black Polishes
    • White Base Coat
    • Sparkle Overlay
    • Acrylic Finish

This design demands attention and expresses a bold, playful personality that’s perfect for lively beach parties or upbeat summer festivals.

Creating Your Funky Masterpiece

Begin with a white base coat to make the colors pop. Apply neon polishes in various patterns—dots, stripes, and blocks. Add a sparkle overlay for that extra dazzle, and finish with an acrylic topcoat to ensure your nails are as resilient as they are eye-catching.

Casual Chic

This design balances simplicity with a dash of fun, featuring a white base and playful elements like a mini surfboard and beach ball. This look is perfect for a casual day out or a laid-back beach party.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @biancaradulescu_
  • Materials Used:
    • White Polish
    • Mini Decals for Surfboard and Beach Ball
    • Yellow and Blue Detailing Pens
    • Quick-Dry Topcoat

These elements combine to create a nail design that is not only cute but also speaks to the fun and spontaneous nature of a beach day.

How to Achieve This Casual Look

Begin with a clean white polish as your canvas. Apply mini decals of a surfboard and beach ball. Use yellow and blue detailing pens to add accents and complete the look with a quick-dry topcoat for a smooth, lasting finish.

Jungle Fever

Dive into the wild side with these jungle-inspired green leopard print nails. The vibrant green patterns give a nod to tropical forests, perfect for adventurers and fashionistas alike.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @pazybohomazy
  • Materials Used:
    • Green and White Leopard Print Polish
    • Black Detailing Pen
    • Glossy Finish Topcoat

This combination ensures that your nails are as bold as they are stylish, making a statement wherever you go.

Crafting the Jungle Look

Apply a base of light green polish, then use a detailing pen to draw leopard spots in a darker shade. Outline sporadically with black to enhance the wild pattern. Finish with a glossy topcoat to seal in the design and add an extra shine.

Oceanic Dreams

This set of nails is a true artistic masterpiece, featuring detailed sea-themed designs such as starfish, seashells, and gentle wave patterns. The use of soft pastels and clear acrylics captures the serene beauty of the ocean.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @sansungnails
  • Materials Used:
    • Pastel Blue and Coral Polishes
    • Clear Acrylics
    • Mini Rhinestones and Pearls
    • UV Finish Topcoat

The detailed artwork combined with decorative accents makes these nails a perfect match for those who love to bring a piece of the sea with them.

How to Create Oceanic Art

Begin with a soft pastel base. Carefully paint your sea-themed designs using fine brushes. Add small rhinestones and pearls for a touch of luxury. Seal with a UV finish topcoat to ensure the intricate details last as long as your summer adventures.

Lavender Love

These nails blend soft lavender hues with bold, heart-shaped accents, creating a romantic yet sophisticated look. The clear segments adorned with purple flowers add a layer of depth and intrigue, making this design perfect for a romantic beachside dinner or a dreamy sunset walk along the shore.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @ciellycolaconails
  • Materials Used:
    • Lavender and White Polish
    • Clear Acrylic
    • Purple Flower Decals
    • Gold Striping Tape
    • UV Sealant for a glossy finish

Each material plays a crucial role in achieving both the aesthetic appeal and durability needed for beach outings.

Crafting This Romantic Design

Apply a lavender base, followed by strategic placement of clear acrylics for a segmented look. Adorn these clear patches with purple flower decals and heart accents. Use gold striping tape for a touch of elegance. Finish with a UV sealant to protect and enhance the vibrancy of your nails.

Pink Blossom

This design features a delicate pink base with minimalistic floral designs, ideal for those who prefer understated elegance. The soft pink provides a fresh, youthful look, while the tiny heart and flower accents add a charming touch without overwhelming the simplicity of the design.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @davi.nail
  • Materials Used:
    • Light Pink Polish
    • White Detailing Pen for flowers and hearts
    • Matte Topcoat

The matte finish adds a contemporary flair, keeping the nails chic and suitable for both casual and formal beach occasions.

Creating This Blossom Design

Start with a light pink base. Use a white detailing pen to draw small flowers and hearts on select nails for a subtle yet captivating effect. Apply a matte topcoat for a soft, elegant finish.

Summer Fantasy

This set of nails is a true celebration of summer, featuring an array of designs from ocean waves to sandy textures and tropical fruits. The use of varying textures and 3D elements makes this design a standout piece, perfect for those who love to express their vibrant personality.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @culturamanicura
  • Materials Used:
    • Assorted Polishes (Blue, Pink, Green)
    • 3D Embellishments (Pearls, Rhinestones)
    • Sand Texture Polish
    • High Gloss Sealant

This combination not only brings each nail to life but also ensures that they can withstand the sun, sand, and water of beach activities.

How to Emulate This Diverse Look

Apply different base colors for each nail, corresponding to the elements you wish to depict (blue for waves, pink for fruits). Add 3D embellishments like pearls and rhinestones to enhance the thematic designs. Incorporate a sand texture polish for a unique tactile feel. Seal with a high gloss topcoat to maintain the vibrancy and integrity of the design.

Sunset Spectrum

This nail design captures the stunning vibrancy of a beach sunset with a brilliant spectrum of colors blending seamlessly into each other. The glossy finish not only enhances the colors but also reflects the sun’s rays, perfect for days spent by the seaside.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @tendrehands
  • Materials Used:
    • Gradient Polishes in Sunset Colors (Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue)
    • High Gloss Topcoat

The expert application of gradient techniques creates a mesmerizing effect that’s both eye-catching and stylish.

Creating the Sunset Effect

Begin by applying a light base color. Carefully blend the sunset polishes using a sponge for a soft, seamless gradient. Seal with a high gloss topcoat to ensure the colors pop and last through any beach activity.

Pastel Puzzle

This look features pastel tones with a unique puzzle piece design accented with gold embellishments. It’s an artistic choice that pairs well with a relaxed, yet fashionable beach outfit.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @agata_maluje_nailartist
  • Materials Used:
    • Pastel Pink and Yellow Polishes
    • Gold Detailing Pen
    • Matte Topcoat

This design stands out for its creative use of shapes and colors, making it a perfect conversational piece.

How to Piece Together This Look

Apply a pastel base coat in pink and yellow. Use stencils to create the puzzle piece effect. Outline the pieces with a gold detailing pen for added elegance. Finish with a matte topcoat to soften the look while maintaining the sophistication of the design.

Serene Blue Seas

Inspired by the tranquil blues of the sea, this nail design uses shades of blue combined with subtle sea-inspired embellishments like shells and pearls. It’s ideal for anyone looking to bring a piece of the ocean’s calm to their look.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @rita_nails_designer
  • Materials Used:
    • Shades of Blue Polishes
    • Mini Seashells and Pearls
    • Clear Gel Topcoat

The design not only pays homage to the ocean’s beauty but also ensures that each element is secured and showcased beautifully.

Crafting This Ocean-Inspired Design

Start with a light blue base. Apply darker blue tips, then adorn with mini seashells and pearls for a 3D effect. Use a clear gel topcoat to encapsulate the embellishments and enhance the depth of the underwater theme.

Tropical Pink Splash

This design features a vibrant pink splash over a translucent base, highlighted by golden accents that catch the light beautifully. It’s perfect for beachgoers who love a bold, eye-catching look that mirrors the lively beach atmosphere.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @jaquesantos_alongamentofibra
  • Materials Used:
    • Translucent Polish
    • Vibrant Pink Polish
    • Gold Flakes
    • Glossy Topcoat

This combination not only brings out a brilliant splash of color but also ensures a durable finish that withstands sun, sand, and water.

Creating This Splash Effect

Start with a translucent base coat to give a natural nail look. Splash vibrant pink polish diagonally across each nail, and while it’s still tacky, sprinkle gold flakes for added sparkle. Seal with a glossy topcoat for durability and extra shine.

Floral Fantasy

This design uses deep and luxurious shades of pink complemented by intricate floral patterns and embellished with golden accents and pearls. It’s a design that commands attention while maintaining an air of sophistication and elegance, ideal for a glamorous beach event or a sophisticated seaside dinner.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @setgyallery
  • Materials Used:
    • Deep Pink and White Polish for flowers
    • Gold Studs and Pearls
    • High Gloss Sealant

Each element is meticulously applied to create a look that’s both luxurious and lasting.

Crafting This Luxurious Floral Design

Apply a deep pink polish as the base. Hand-paint delicate white flowers, then add golden studs and pearls at the center of each for a 3D effect. Finish with a high gloss sealant to enhance the colors and secure the embellishments.

Soft Ombre Elegance

This nail design features a soft pink and white ombre, perfect for those who prefer a more understated yet stylish look. The smooth transition between colors mimics the gentle fade of a beach sunset, making it an ideal choice for any beach-loving minimalist.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs
Photo credit by: @gandziuchaa
  • Materials Used:
    • Soft Pink and White Ombre Polishes
    • Matte Topcoat

The matte finish provides a modern twist to the classic ombre, adding a layer of sophistication.

Achieving This Ombre Look

Begin with a white base and gradually blend into soft pink toward the tips using a sponge for a smooth transition. Finish with a matte topcoat to soften the look and give it a contemporary edge.

As we conclude our exploration of cute beach nails, it’s clear that the world of nail art offers an endless array of styles and designs perfect for enhancing your summer beach experience. From the radiant energy of sunset spectrums to the subtle elegance of soft ombre, each design not only beautifies but also expresses individuality and style. Whether you prefer the dramatic flair of bold colors and intricate patterns or the understated charm of soft pastels and simple embellishments, there is a beach nail look tailored for every occasion and personality.

These nail designs go beyond mere aesthetics; they capture the essence of the seaside and embody the spirit of summer. They encourage creativity and personal expression, making every beach outing more enjoyable and stylish. Remember, the best accessory to your beach look this season could very well be at your fingertips—literally.

21 Cute Beach Nails: Trendy Styles for Summer | Easy DIY & Pro Designs

Julia Yaroshko

I believe that hair beauty is not only about appearance, but also about health and well-being. At VimZia, I strive to provide information that will not only inspire new manicure ideas, but also help you keep your nails healthy and strong.

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